
"Reflective Presence" offers you with the following professional, therapeutic and organisational, supports and services...

          In a culture where rapid change has become normalised, we at "Reflective Presence" offer a comprehensive, post-modern, innovative approach to foster self- and organisational- betterment. We forge methods, models, practices, therapies, and resources for individuals and for rural, urban, and interfaith ministry that are sustainable, life-giving, and reflective of our fullest humanity.  For faith/religious communities, we offer a cutting-edge, new, ecclesial management style.

          We each and all find ourselves at various moments in life where change and revitalisation is called of us, whether personally or organisationally. People and communities of faith/religion are invited to do what others successfully do: bring in the outside professional help and expertise of those others who hold experience and energy. "Reflective Presence" professionals are also mentors: we journey alongside you, personally with you as an individual or with your fuller congregational community, to intentionally build and enhance your needed skills, so you can assume their application in life.

✾ Pastoral or Grief Counselling and Spiritual Companioning/Coaching with 'Individuals'.

In-person or Online (via Skype or Zoom) 'Reflective Mentoring™' sessions.

Pastoral or Grief Counselling and Spiritual Companioning/Coaching with Groups.

Offering a specialty: in "Online" and Interfaith companioning/coaching; with rural or isolated ministers/clergy, & lay-leaders. Our Interfaith companioning/coaching is with a depth in Christianity (Anglican tradition), Buddhism (Theravada tradition), Sufism (Universal Sufism), & agnosticism/atheism; and with a general, practiced, understanding of Hinduism and Judaism.

✾ Retreat Facilitation.

Intentional programming of workshops, retreats, group-dialogue, & Reiki treatments.

✾ Church | Faith | Religious Community 'Re-missioning™' Support.

Strategic "prayerful planning" guidance & supports with visioning and change management processes, including establishing the related councils and advisory boards required as effective instruments of achieving developed visions & missions. We also offer professional administrative supports in: book-keeping; completing CRA charitable returns & grant applications; and other supports unique to your community.

✾ Resource for rural and interfaith ministry.